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Sport Climbing
In 2014 I started indoor climbing for exercise, mental challenge, and fun!
In 2019 I had my first outdoor experience.
I can't seem to get enough of this full-body-workout sport - it's simple
(all you need are shoes, harness, and chalk bag), yet requires technical
skill and mental acuity to solve the climbing route "puzzles". And it's
a great way to meet new people, since a belay partner is a must!

I've focused mostly on top-rope climbing (a fixed rope through a pulley at the top of the route prevents falling),
but I also sometimes lead-climb (carry a rope up and clip it into draws along the way) - more risk and more challenge.
Indoor climbing happens 2 or 3 times a week
at one of several nearby climbing gyms. The
routes are made up of variously-shaped color-
coded plastic holds, set to varying degrees of
difficulty by professional route-setters. The
gyms set new routes every few weeks so there
is always something new to work on. Gym
climbing can be either top-rope or lead.
So far, outdoor climbing has been few and far between, including a couple top-roping guided tours to local parks through REI (left), and an outing with friends to a smaller local crag.
Looking forward to doing more of this - it's a
completely different experience than indoors!
Below: Indoor climbing in the outdoors? Yes, indeed. In 2023 my son
and I top-roped this 164-foot outdoor wall at the Whitney Peak hotel
in downtown Reno. The route wasn't difficult but the height was a haul!
Great view from the top, though. And a loooong ride back down!
Below: That's me at the 70-foot mark.